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Introduction To Multivariate Regression


Multivariate Regression

In the linear regression and logistic regression tutorials we cover univariate modelling - or modelling with one variable. Here we discuss how to create multivariate models, or models with multiple independent variables.


## load our libraries via our library path

## load our counts and meta data
counts <- read.csv(
  header = T,
  sep = "\t") 

meta <- read.csv(
  file = "data/gbm_cptac_2021/data_clinical_patient.txt",
  header = T,
  sep = "\t"

## ensure our patient ID's match between 
## the counts and meta data
meta$PATIENT_ID = gsub("-",".",meta$PATIENT_ID)

## grab IDH1 gene expression and 
## patient ID 
aldh3a1 = counts %>%
  filter(Hugo_Symbol == "ALDH3A1") %>%
  select(-Hugo_Symbol) %>%
  t() %>% %>%
  mutate(PATIENT_ID = rownames(.))

colnames(aldh3a1) <- c("aldh3a1","PATIENT_ID")

## merge counts and meta data
merged <- merge(

## create smoking status variable
## and normalize ALDH3A1 expression
merged <- merged %>%
  mutate(smoking = ifelse(grepl("non-smoker",SMOKING_HISTORY),0,1)) %>%
  mutate(aldh3a1 = log2(aldh3a1+1))

Build a Multivariate Model

## build several multivariate models
model1 <- glm( smoking ~ AGE, data = merged, family = binomial)
model2 <- glm( smoking ~  AGE + WEIGHT , data = merged, family = binomial)
model3 <- glm( smoking ~  AGE + WEIGHT + BMI , data = merged, family = binomial)
       df      AIC
model1  2 130.1894
model2  3 121.4100
model3  4 123.2545

       df      BIC
model1  2 135.3797
model2  3 129.1953
model3  4 133.6350


Above, we created several logistic regression models with different numbers of variables (separated by a + sign). We also display the Akaike information criterion (AIC) and the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) values for the different models. So what are these? These are values are a way of summarizing our models and seeing at what point adding too many variables interferes rather that helps. The lower the AIC/BIC, the better the model. Above we note that model 2 has the lowest AIC/BIC and when we add the third term, BMI, we raise our criterion values.


So why might adding more variables hurt our model if it can help improve our model metrics? Well, while adding more variables can help improve our model's metrics, it doesn't necessarily mean it can help improve our model's ability to predict. Here is a visual:

Here we see that when a model is under fit, it doesn't necessary follow the direction of the data. On the other hand, if we are too good at predicting our data set, we trade off with the ability to predict new data.


Additionally, we need to think carefully about the variables we are plugging into our model. Each variable should add new information and should not correlate with one another. Let's try to determine this visually:

## grab our correlations
## plot these correlations
cors <- cor(merged %>% select(AGE,WEIGHT,BMI))

We can also use the variance inflation factor (VIF) to assess multicollinearity - with values between 5 and 10 indicating multicollinearity:

## use the vif function to
## assess multicollinearity
     AGE   WEIGHT 
1.106764 1.106764 
     AGE   WEIGHT      BMI 
1.108918 3.265643 3.123681 

Here we see that while the VIF values of WEIGHT and BMI do not go over 5, we see in the correlation plot that these variables are indeed highly correlated. Also, when BMI is added to model3 we see that the VIF values for WEIGHT and BMI are bumped up closer to 5.

Why do you think that BMI has a lower VIF than WEIGHT?

Weight is used to calculate BMI. However, BMI also captures information about height which isn't captured by our WEIGHT variable.
