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Hierarchical Clustering

Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering

Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering is a bottom up approach wherein observations are their own cluster and then merged into larger and larger clusters until their is one root cluster:

This "hierarchical" view of these clusters is called a dendrogram. Here we will discuss Ward's Method for merging these clusters as it is one of the most popular:

\[D_{12} = \frac{||\overline{x_1} - \overline{x_2}||^2}{\frac{1}{N_1}+\frac{1}{N_2}}\]

Explanation of Terms

  • \(D_{12}\) distance between clusters 1 and 2
  • \(N_1\) number of points in cluster 1
  • \(N_2\) number of points in cluster 2
  • \(\overline{x_1}\) mean of cluster 1
  • \(\overline{x_2}\) mean of cluster 2


Before we apply k-means we will need to create our distance matrix:

# load the libraries

# load our counts data
counts <- read.csv(
  header = T,
  sep = "\t")

# make the genes our rownames
rownames(counts) <- make.names(counts$Hugo_Symbol,unique = TRUE)

# remove the gene symbol column
counts <- counts %>%

# log2 transform our data 
# transpose our data so that our patients are rows
counts <- t(log2(counts + 1))

# Change NA counts to 0
counts[!is.finite(counts)] <- 0

# generate correlation distance matrix
dist <- get_dist(counts,method = "pearson")

# plot correlation distance matrix
fviz_dist(dist) +
  theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 3)) +
    title = "Pearson Correlation Distances Between Samples",
    fill = "Pearson Correlation"

Clustering with Ward's method

Let's apply this in R!

# apply ward's clustering
hc <- hclust(d = dist, method = "ward.D2")

# visualizing the dendrogram
# and color by k number of clusters
          k = 4, 
          k_colors = c("#1B9E77", "#D95F02", "#7570B3", "#E7298A"))


  • here we see each sample starts as its own cluster and is gradually merged into larger clusters
  • we choose to visualize 4 clusters by this is really up to your discretion

Hierarchical Clustering Shortcomings

Hierarchical clustering does come with a few issues:

Hierarchical Clustering Shortcomings

  • Hierarchical clustering is computationally expensive and is much slower than the k-means algorithm
  • While this method is less sensitive to the shape of the data, given it starts generating clusters from individual data points; The dendrogram can be difficult to interpret and where to draw the line with cluster membership is not necessarily defined.


  1. Clustering Distance Measures
  2. K-Means Clustering in R: Algorithm and Practical Examples
  3. Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering
  4. Distance Method Formulas
  5. Hierarchical Clustering — Explained