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K-Means Clustering

K-means Clustering

K-means clustering seeks to derive \(k\) number of clusters so that the variation within the cluster is minimized. Additionally, the number of clusters, \(k\), is specified by the user. The standard k-means algorithm is the Hartigan-Wong algorithm, which starts by determining the sum of squares for each cluster:

\[W(C_k) = \sum_{x_i\in{C_k}}{(x_i - \mu_k)^2}\]

Then the total within cluster variation is calculated by:

\[total\ within\ cluster\ variation = \sum_{k=1}^k{\sum_{x_i\in{C_k}}{(x_i - \mu_k)^2}}\]

Explanation of Terms

  • \(C_k\) cluster number \(k\)
  • \(x_i\) point in cluster \(C_k\)
  • \(\mu_k\) mean of points in cluster \(C_k\)
  • \(k\) number of clusters


This total within cluster variation is then minimized to best assign data points to the \(k\) number of clusters


Before we apply k-means we will need to create our distance matrix:

# load the libraries

# load our counts data
counts <- read.csv(
  header = T,
  sep = "\t")

# make the genes our rownames
rownames(counts) <- make.names(counts$Hugo_Symbol,unique = TRUE)

# remove the gene symbol column
counts <- counts %>%

# log2 transform our data 
# transpose our data so that our patients are rows
counts <- t(log2(counts + 1))

# Change NA counts to 0
counts[!is.finite(counts)] <- 0

# generate correlation distance matrix
dist <- get_dist(counts,method = "pearson")

# plot correlation distance matrix
fviz_dist(dist) +
  theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 3)) +
    title = "Pearson Correlation Distances Between Samples",
    fill = "Pearson Correlation"

Choosing K Number of Clusters

In R we can use the fviz_nbclust() to determine the optimal number of clusters. This will generate a plot and where the plot dips dramatically is our optimal number of \(k\)!

# k-means clustering
# choosing k
fviz_nbclust(counts, kmeans, method = "wss") +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 3,color="firebrick")

Here we do not see a drastic dip in our plot so we will choose 3 clusters here.

Applying K-means

We will now perform k-means clustering and plot the results!

# applying the k-means function
km <- kmeans(counts, 3, nstart = 25)
             geom = "point",
             ellipse.type = "norm")+
    title = "K-means Cluster Plot with 3 Clusters"

You will note here that the clusters overlap to a great degree and there isn't great separation between them.

K-means Shortcomings

Given the lackluster cluster plot above it is worth discussing the shortcomings of k-means clustering:

K-means Shortcomings

  • you are going to need to determine the optimal number of clusters ahead of time
  • the initial center point is chosen at random! And as such your cluster can change depending on that random center point
  • this approach can rely heavily on the mean of the cluster points and the mean is sensitive to outliers in the data!
  • k-means clustering can be affected by data order as well


  1. Clustering Distance Measures
  2. K-Means Clustering in R: Algorithm and Practical Examples