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Sequencing data analysis typically focuses on either assessing DNA or RNA. As a reminder here is the interplay between DNA, RNA, and protein:

DNA Sequencing

  • Fixed copy of a gene per cell
  • Analysis goal: Variant calling and interpretation

RNA Sequencing

  • Copy of a transcript per cell depends on gene expression
  • Analysis goal: Differential expression and interpretation


Here we are working with DNA sequencing

Next Generation Sequencing

Here we will analyze a DNA sequence using next generation sequencing data. Here are the steps to get that data:

  • Library Preparation: DNA is fragmented and adapters are added to these fragments

  • Cluster Amplification: This library is loaded onto a flow cell, where the adapters help hybridize the fragments to the flow cell. Each fragment is then amplified to form a clonal cluster

  • Sequencing: Fluorescently labelled nucleotides are added to this flow cell and each time a base in the fragment bonds a light signal is emmitted telling the sequencer which base is which in the sequence.

  • Alignment & Data Analysis: These sequenced fragments, or reads, can then be aligned to a reference sequence to determine differences.

Singe End v. Paired End Data

  • single-end sequence each DNA fragement from one end only
  • paired-end sequence each DNA fragement from both sides. Paired-end data is useful when sequencing highly repetitive sequences.

Variant Calling


  • When discussing variant calling it is worth mentioning an organism's ploidy. Ploidy is the number of copies of each chromosomes.

    • Humans cells are diploid for autosomal chromosome and haploid for sex chromosomes
    • Bacteria are haploid
    • Viruses and Yeast can by haploid or diploid

  • Variant callers can use ploidy to improve specificity (avoid false positives) because there are expected variant frequencies, e.g. for a diploid:

    • Homozygous
    • both copies contain variant
    • fraction of the reads ~1

    • Heterozygous

    • one copy of variant
    • fraction of reads with variant ~0.5
