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Introduction to Biostatistics

Biostatistics attempts to use statiscal methods to solve biological problems. This involves data so for the purpose of our biostatistics tutorials we will need to do some setup.


For the following machine learning tutorials we will be using glioblastoma data from cBioPortal. Before getting started you will need:

  • Account on Tufts HPC
  • VPN if accessing the HPC from off campus

Once you have an account and are connected to the VPN/Tufts Network, navigate to the OnDemand Website and log in with your tufts credentials. Once you are logged in you'll notice a few navigation options:

Setting Up A Project Space

We are going to open an interactive app:

Click on Interactive Apps > RStudio Pax and you will see a form to fill out to request compute resources to use RStudio on the Tufts HPC cluster. We will fill out the form with the following entries:

  • Number of hours : 3
  • Number of cores : 1
  • Amount of memory : 32GB
  • R version : 4.0.0
  • Reservation for class, training, workshop : Default
  • Load Supporting Modules: curl/7.47.1 gcc/7.3.0 hdf5/1.10.4 boost/1.63.0-python3 libpng/1.6.37 java/1.8.0_60 libxml2/2.9.10 libiconv/1.16 fftw/3.3.2 gsl/2.6

We will now need to create our project that we will work out of:

Click Lauch and wait until your session is ready. Click Connect To RStudio Server, and you will notice a new window will pop up with RStudio. Now Create a new project:

  1. Go to File > New Project
  2. New Directory
  3. New Project
  4. Create a name for your project (e.g. machine-learning)
  5. Create Project

In terminal, start setting up your directories:

mkdir data
mkdir scripts
mkdir results

Now that we have our project set up we will need to download our data. In the data folder we will download our data and decompress it:

cd data
tar -xvf gbm_cptac_2021.tar.gz 
cd ..