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Confidence Intervals

Confidence Intervals

Estimating the mean from a sample is going to have some fluctuation defined by the standard error. We can define a range or confidence interval which we expect to contain the true mean. Often we report a 95% confidence interval. This interval is defined by plus or minus 1.96 times the standard error:

\[ -1.96\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{N}} \le \mu \le +1.96\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{N}}\]

Term Definitions

  • \(\sigma\) Standard deviation of the sample
  • \(N\) Number of observations in the sample
  • \(\mu\) sample mean

Let's try this with our sample:

# load meta data
meta <- read.table("./data/gbm_cptac_2021/data_clinical_patient.txt",
                   header = T,

## defined some population of ages
ages <- sample(meta$AGE,20)

## data frame of results
summary <- data.frame(
  Sample_Mean=mean(ages,na.rm = T),
  Standard_Error=sd(ages,na.rm = T)/sqrt(length(ages[!])),
  Lower_Bound_CI = mean(ages,na.rm = T) - 1.96*(sd(ages,na.rm = T)/sqrt(length(ages[!]))),
  Upper_Bound_CI = mean(ages,na.rm = T) + 1.96*(sd(ages,na.rm = T)/sqrt(length(ages[!])))

  Sample_Mean Standard_Error Lower_Bound_CI Upper_Bound_CI
1       61.35       2.316162       56.81032       65.88968


So we are 95% confident that the true mean lies somewhere between 56.81032 and 65.88968
